
5 Good Office Design Ideas for a Good Mood

Ideas and Tips Jun 09 2023

The layout of the office has a significant impact on employees, affecting anything from creativity to general motivation and mood. Not only is it important to invest in the welfare of employees, but doing so also benefits both workers and employers. In addition to being more productive, reduced absenteeism, and better employee retention, a workforce whose mental health is emphasized will also be happier and healthier.

When it comes to building an atmosphere where employees can thrive, every aspect counts, from the colors of the walls to the arrangement of the furnishings. The most effective modern office spaces are created with the satisfaction of the staff in mind. A by-product of productivity is natural. The ideal workplaces are well-balanced and adaptable to a wide range of duties and personality types. Employees feel cherished in an office setting that is both practical and attractive. Additionally, custom interior design that is appealing to the eye may help you earn a Return on Investment (ROI) by drawing in and keeping talent.

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Here are 5 office design tips that may improve employees' moods and boost creativity in the workplace. 

Sociability by design

A flexible office design that gives its employees the time and space to withdraw from disruptive sounds and other people when necessary is also desired. Both of these features are beneficial in terms of workplace sociability. Flexibility and sociability work well together since a properly-planned workplace will have the right areas for each employee at any stage of the day. Giving workers what they require from the workplace fosters a sense of inclusion and belonging, ensuring that workers enjoy and look forward to their time at work.

The color theory

According to research, color significantly affects people's thoughts. It's crucial to employ colors carefully to create a happy work atmosphere since they may have a significant impact on our moods, emotions, and general well-being. Shades of grey, white, and beige, which are popular motif in corporate workplaces, are advised to be avoided if you want to employ color to improve mood, productivity, and creativity at work. It's recommended to avoid using a lot of wild, chaotic colors as well, as they might distract workers. The best approach is to use a few tasteful color accents around the room to achieve the ideal balance between not being too obtrusive and not being too subdued.

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More spaces for people

Employees have an instinctive understanding of how and when to use particular regions. To provide your staff the greatest atmosphere possible, designate areas of your office that are only intended for total attention and cooperation. Additionally, it allows everyone more space to move about and access to natural light, which may lessen weariness and enhance general well-being. Therefore, a more open and well-organized design will directly impact staff morale, a sense of cooperation, and the ease of mobility within the workplace.

Encourage physical activity

Mental and physical health are closely related.  Serotonin, popularly known as the "happy hormone," is released when people exercise regularly, which lifts mood and can help employees better handle stressful situations. Helping staff take care of their physical wellness is therefore likely to have a favorable impact on their mood as well. It's a good idea to add stairs and place water coolers and vending machines a little distant from the work areas to encourage mobility throughout the day. Consider using sit-stand desks to include some type of exercise and room for movement into the office design. Your staff members should be encouraged to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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Multisensory biophilic design

A healthy workplace may be influenced by a number of factors, including biophilia, thermal comfort, acoustics, and accessibility to locations for relaxation and quick stress reduction. Through multisensory aspects like circadian lighting, natural fragrances and sounds, and indoor furniture and environments that resemble natural landscapes, a multisensory biophilic design includes elements of the natural world. According to scientific study, these designs can really boost employees' health and wellness, including their mood, ability to cope with stress and cognitive function.

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